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 1. John Carpenter  BTILC 1-03 Abduction at Airport  Big Trouble in Little China 
 2. John Carpenter  BTILC 1-03 Abduction at Airport  Big Trouble in Little China 
 3. John Carpenter  BTILC 1-03 Abduction at Airport  Big Trouble in Little China 
 4. Triple Crown Sound  Airport,Int,Moscow,Voices - Atmos - Int Moscow Airport - Fairly Busy W/ Some Specific Russian Walla / Lots O' Footsteps  Sounddogs.com 
 5. Triple Crown Sound  Airport,Int,Moscow,Voices - Atmos - Int Moscow Airport - Fairly Busy W/ Some Specific Russian Walla / Lots O' Footsteps  Sounddogs.com 
 6. John Carpenter  BTILC 2-07 Big Trouble in Little China  Big Trouble in Little China 
 7. John Carpenter  BTILC 2-07 Big Trouble in Little China  Big Trouble in Little China 
 8. John Carpenter  BTILC 2-04 The Great Arcade  Big Trouble in Little China 
 9. John Carpenter  BTILC 2-04 The Great Arcade  Big Trouble in Little China 
 10. John Carpenter  BTILC 1-02 Pork Chop Express  Big Trouble in Little China 
 11. John Carpenter  BTILC 1-02 Pork Chop Express  Big Trouble in Little China 
 12. Triple Crown Sound  PA,Airport,Moscow,Russia - Atmos - Int Moscow Airport - Fairly Busy W/ Some Specific Russian Walla / Lots O' Footsteps / Russian P.A.  Sounddogs.com 
 13. Gamma Ray Blast  Abduction  5 Dimensões EP 
 14. Gamma Ray Blast  Abduction  5 Dimens�es EP 
 15. Bruce Dickinson  Abduction  Tyranny Of Souls   
 16. Gamma Ray Blast  Abduction  5 Dimensões EP 
 17. Arnold, David  Wild Abduction  Stargate (Deluxe Edition) 
 18. Brent Simon  Alien Abduction  Seven Of Nine 
 19. Capital Hemorrhage  Attempted Abduction #7  Attempted Abduction 
 20. David Arnold  Wild Abduction  Stargate - The Deluxe Edition 
 21. Background  Alien Abduction   
 22. The Decemberists  The Abduction Of Margaret  The Decemberists - The Hazards Of Love   
 23. Joe Carvalho  Alien Abduction  Psychodelia 
 24. Dj sigma7  Abduction - Side A  Abduction 
 25. Dj sigma7  Abduction - Side B  Abduction 
 26. Angela Hind BBCRadio4  Abduction, Alienation, and Reason  Abduction, Alienation, and Reason 
 27. Earthmonkey  Steal Abduction Suite  Audiosapien 
 28. Elizabeth Parcells &  Ach, ich Liebte from Abduction from the Seraglio by W.A Mozart  Opera 
 29. Elizabeth Parcells  Blondchen from The abduction from the seraglio by W. A. Mozart  Met Auditions 1977 Great Lakes Regional 
 30. Elizabeth Parcells &  Ach, ich Liebte from Abduction from the Seraglio by W.A Mozart  Opera 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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